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Our Past Events

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So You're an Enabler, Now What?

Are you tired of watching your loved one battle addiction while neglecting your own needs? Do you ever feel trapped in a cycle of enabling, unable to express your true feelings or growing frustrated with your loved one's behaviour? It's time to break free and take charge of your well-being! Join Shift therapist Olivia Vander Vloet for a transformative journey into the world of enabling in this free, virtual deep dive on July 13 at 6 PM EST. ​Reminder: you're not alone in this struggle—many people have been right where you are. Together, we'll deep dive into how enabling contributes to the cycle of addiction and empower ourselves with practical strategies to break the cycle by creating healthier boundaries.

July 13, 2023 6:00 PM

Couples Clash Course: How to Love and Fight Like a Dynamic Duo

In any relationship, love and effective communication are the cornerstones of connection- and while that's a lovely sentiment to state, let's be honest, it's not always sunshine and rainbows; sometimes you're going to clash! The good news is there are solutions for this, and Shift therapist Mahnoor Zulfiqar is deep diving into them during her free virtual chat on July 10 at 6 PM EST. ​During this in-depth chat, Mahnoor will outline how you can learn each other's love & conflict languages to understand each other's needs and rebuild your connection. BTW- you don't need to be in a relationship to join! All are welcome to learn and discover their own love & conflict languages.

July 10, 2023 6:00 PM

The Art of Self-Discovery

Get ready to ignite your inner creativity in this one-of-a-kind free workshop with Shift therapist Fatima Noorali on June 15th at 6 PM EST. ​In this workshop, you’ll discover the connection between creativity and self-esteem as you work through an art activity to unleash your hidden potential. The activity? We’ll be creating a collage/mood board together! And if you’re someone who is not so creative, no problem! This workshop was designed for individuals like you who are ready to dive into self-discovery in a way that’s a little more messy and out-of-the-box. So, get ready to dive into a space of interactive activity and informative discussions that will empower you to elevate your self-esteem through your own creativity.

June 15, 2023 6:00 PM

Work-life Balance: How to Find Your Sweet Spot!

In sticking with the theme for Psychotherapy Month, Self-Care is Mental Health Care, we're virtually deep diving into the hot topic of work-life balance! As a mental health company, we know how hard it can be for Psychotherapists to find a work-life balance because you naturally put others, and work, before anything else. While we admire your dedication, we also know how hard this can be on your own wellness. That's why we're excited to virtually connect with you on April 12 @ 6PM EST as Shift therapist Jessica Portelli guides us through a deep dive discussion focusing on how you can find that work-life sweet spot! Jessica will discuss the barriers that can make navigating work-life balance difficult, five practical steps you can take to achieve a better work-life balance, and the importance of work-life balance when it comes to your mental health. Ps. If you're not a Psychotherapist but someone looking for support in navigating work-life balance, you're more than welcome to join!

April 12, 2023 6:00 PM

Breathe, Flow & Unwind

Psychotherapists, we're celebrating you this month! In honour of all you do for others' mental health, we're creating a virtual space for you to put yours to the forefront! Why? Because you deserve to feel like your best self too. And hey, if you're not a Psychotherapist but looking for some TLC, this space is for you too! There's no doubt your job is rewarding, but we know all too well the toll it can take on your mental health, so we welcome you to join our free, 45-minute virtual yoga class on April 11 @ 7PM EST to breathe, relax and unwind, together. This virtual class will be led by Samantha Carpino, owner of Welcome Om Collective and lululemon Ambassador! Samantha is a long-time yogi and will offer the much-needed mindful moments we often neglect, yet need to nurture our wellness. Register below to save your spot!

April 11, 2023 7:00 PM

Mastering The Art Of Trusting Your Gut

During this workshop, you will be guided through an interactive activity (one we learned through the queen herself, Brené Brown!), facilitated by Shift therapist, Amreeta Kaur. Through this guided practice you will develop a deeper connection with your intuition and learn how to trust it when it comes to decision-making and problem-solving. By the end of this workshop, you will leave feeling confident in following your intuition, trusting it as a valuable tool in your personal and professional life. Please come to the workshop with something to write with and/or write on. PS. whether you're someone who loves to share in an open-discussion format or prefers to remain quiet, soaking in the info- we're here for it all! Show up as you are and remember video on or off is always your choice too.

February 22, 2023 6:30 PM
