Kicking Imposter Syndrome to the Curb

Signs of Imposter Syndrome and How to Recover
Imposter syndrome is a pervasive feeling of self-doubt and inadequacy that affects many individuals, even those who are highly successful and accomplished. It's a psychological pattern that causes people to feel like they don't deserve their achievements and live in constant fear of being exposed as a fraud. This can lead to decreased self-confidence, anxiety, and even depression. However, overcoming imposter syndrome and regaining your sense of self-worth is possible.
Signs that you may have imposter syndrome:
1. You are a workaholic
You are putting in more hours than everybody else at your workplace and are driven by the fear of “I am not good enough.”
2. You are a perfectionist
Imposter syndrome is tied to perfectionistic tendencies. Your fear is driven by the thought of not doing things perfectly every time.
3. You are a procrastinator
When our stress gets too high we go into freeze mode. People with Imposter Syndrome might procrastinate because of unrealistic expectations that make them shut down and feel discouraged.
4. You tell yourself you’re not good enough
This inner dialogue makes you feel powerless and depressed about your future.
5. You feel shame
Shame is a continual feeling of “I am not good enough” or “I am not smart enough”. You start labelling yourself in a very negative way.
Ways to recover from imposter syndrome:
1. Work on healing your inner critic
Understanding negative self-talk requires you to explore where it comes from and identify the root cause. A helpful way to limit negative self-talk is to start talking to yourself the way you would talk to a friend!
2. The second step is to identify and change limiting core beliefs
Cognitive-behavioural therapy can help uncover those dysfunctional core beliefs and develop a more helpful way of thinking.
3. Stop comparing yourself
This is a very important step because we compare our inner self-doubt with someone who might be confident on the outside. Comparing your insides to their outsides will make sure that no progress will be made!
4. Acknowledge and appreciate your strengths and weaknesses
Set aside time to reflect on unhelpful behaviours and habits that are holding you back.
5. Ask for help
We all need help because we are interdependent humans. Asking for help is a form of self-love! Therapy can help you develop a more accepting voice and set healthy-focused goals.
Looking to discover more ways to overcome imposter syndrome? Chat with Valia by booking a 15-minute Meet and Greet to see if she'd be a good fit for you!