Black History Month

Representation, Identity, and Diversity
Black History Month is an opportunity to learn about and honour the significant contributions that Black Canadians have made to our nation. As well, it's a time to reflect and recommit to the ongoing hard work in the quest for equity and a continued fight for social justice. I hope you look forward to engaging in these events and resources as much as I do.
TORONTO BLACK FILM FESTIVAL: The 9th annual edition of Toronto’s biggest celebration of Black film and filmmakers is on its way to the city. Log on for screenings, speakers, panels, and more. There’s quite the lineup in store!
AWAKENINGS: This amazing art collection is made up of works by Black, Indigenous, and artists of colour. The works explore themes of anti-oppression, anti-colonialism, and anti-racism.
TD-21 BLACK FUTURES: The Obsidian Theatre is putting on a virtual performance of 21 filmed monodramas, commissioned from 21 multigenerational Black playwrights from across the country. The event is completely free to attend, and it aims to answer the question: “What is the future of Blackness?”
THE TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY: Featuring a collection of programs and special events that honour Black heritage, and consider the historical significance and contemporary contributions of Black activists and artists from around the world.
ONTARIO HERITAGE TRUST: Through museum site, web resources, publications and Provincial Plaque Program, learn the stories of Ontario’s Black communities.
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE: How much do you know about Black History in Canada? Test your personal knowledge in this quiz by the Canadian Encyclopedia. They have created three options of easy, medium or hard, based on the real test questions taken by newcomers on the path to citizenship.
THE BLACK MENTAL HEALTH FUND: We are big fans of colleagues over at Wellnest and their work to make mental health care more inclusive. If you have funds set aside to donate this year, we encourage you to consider donating to the Black Mental Health Fund. You can email with 'Black Mental Health Fund' in your subject line for more information.