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Family & Parenting
May 12, 2019
A Little Note To ALL Moms

Shift Team

A mom and her son lean into each other to rest their foreheads against each other.


On this Mother’s Day, I have decided to dedicate a blog post for many types of mothers.

Mothers who have endured the unthinkable pain of losing a child. Mothers who have lost their own mothers and will forever miss being able to spend this day with her. Mothers who are not able to give their children the love they wanted to, and instead feel ashamed for abuse or dysfunction they have caused their little ones. Mothers who yearn to experience (but haven’t) the joy that comes from hearing a little one whisper, “I love you, mama.”

When do we become mothers? Is it the first embrace with our child after they have come out of the womb? The first kick? The first pregnancy test? Or, is it a yearning long before that?

The way I see it, we are ALL mothers.

There are many traits I feel that all mothers have in common. They all believe in the social goodness of improving lives for children. They all make immense sacrifices to protect and care for their loved ones. Most importantly, all mothers have an incredible capacity for love. A fierce, painstaking love that can move mountains.

"A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path." - Agatha Christie

On this Mothers Day, let’s de-stigmatize infertility, loss, and women’s health to create safe spaces for honest conversations. Let's advance the narrative and improve support for all types of parenthood. Lets honour and acknowledge mothers of all types, old and young.

Happy mothers day to all you SHeroes out there! On this day, may you be loved, heard, and not forgotten.

This article was written by Rebecca Herberman during their time at Shift Collab.

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